Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Topics for the First Essay

Choose ONE of the following to develop into a thoughtful, well-developed essay:

1.  Discuss the atmosphere (mood) established by the setting in both "The Old Man at the Bridge" and "A Clean, Well-Lighted Place." Explain how the setting contributes to the feeling of loneliness and isolation.

2. Discuss the importance of the character of the old man in both "The Old Man at the Bridge" and "A Clean, Well-Lighted Place" in revealing the other characters in the story.

3. Despite their isolation and loneliness, both the old man in "The Old Man at the Bridge" and the old man in "A Clean, Well-Lighted Place" maintain a sense of dignity. Discuss how each man faces his future. In what way does this contribute to the way the older waiter may approach the remainder of his life.

4. Symbolism is a subtle but effective tool that Hemingway uses in his stories [and novels]. Discuss the major symbols used in "The Old Man at the Bridge" and "A Clean, Well-Lighted Place," explaining what each contributes to the respective story.

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